==================== HES POSTING ====================== 
Eh.Net has started a new service for which I would like to request help: 
ASK THE PROFESSOR is a service for those interested in learning more 
about economic history and the history of economic thought. If you have a 
question that you have been unable to answer through sources such as 
encyclopedias or other standard references, we will try to answer your 
question or to direct you to a useful source of information. 
Robert Whaples of Duke University (associate director of Eh.Net) is 
currently handling questions that are asked, but the service is now 
generating several questions each day (2-3) and he has requested our 
assistance. Most of the questions asked are in economic history, but 
approximately a quarter to a third of the questions regard the history of 
economic thought. I agreed to answer a few questions, but would like to be 
able to share the workload around a bit. After checking with the other 
editors of HES, here is my proposal: 
1. If you would be willing to answer questions on an occasional basis, 
please inform me (privately, not in a message to the list!). Please 
indicate your area of specialization in the history of economic thought. 
[Robert may wish to correct me, but my impression is that most of the 
questions require the types of answers you would address to an 
undergraduate class.] If I receive questions from Robert that I feel are 
better answered by someone who has expressed willingness to answer 
questions on a particular area, I'll forward them on. 
2. I have begun a log of answers to the questions asked, accessible for 
the moment at http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~emmer/ask_the_prof.html (this 
may be moved to the Eh.Net server). If you answer a question forwarded to 
you, please send me a copy as well as the questioner, so I can add it to 
the log. The log is intended to do two things: 1) provide a source of 
answers for future questions; and 2) make students aware that the answers 
provided are publically accessible. 
Occasionally I may post a request for help on a specific question to the 
list. I will not, however, post the questions themselves here. Currently, 
I could use assistance in answering questions regarding Veblen's use of 
Darwinian theory, and the relation between Smith and Malthus' views on 
unproductive labour. 
Thanks for the help. 
Ross B. Emmett                Editor, HES and CIRLA-L 
Augustana University College 
Camrose, Alberta CANADA   T4V 2R3 
voice: (403) 679-1517   fax: (403) 679-1129 
e-mail: [log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask] 
URL: http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~emmer 
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