We've had some real success with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations on CD.  I've found that CDroms are a lot easier and faster to use than the internet, which can take too long. (Perhaps a hardware upgrate should be my '97 resolution!)  But, I can also take the cds on the road with me.

I like the CDs from a company called Solutions.  They're relatively cheap.  The URL is http://www.env-sol.com

Happy New Year.

Anne Wemhoff

On Tue, 31 Dec 1996, Rich Conrad <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Does anyone have a good(i.e. cost effective) source for regulatory
>information from the US and any other countries. We are about to reup one of
>our subscriptions and just want to be sure that we are spending our money
>Thanks and Happy New Year!
>Rich Conrad