SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from
The Canadian Society for International Health: [log in to unmask]
Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization - Vacancy Notice
Post Title: Advisor on Food Protection; Level: P.4; Post Number: .5959;
Duty Station: INPPAZ - Martinez, Argentina; Tenure: Two years, first year
probationary period; Division/Program/Office: Disease Prevention and
Control (HCP)

Basic Salary: $45,413 at single rate; $48,824 with primary dependents (per
annum net of taxes); Post Adjustment: $26,884 at single rate, $28,904 with
primary dependents (per annum net of taxes); Hardship/Mobility: $2,030 at
single rate, $2,706 with primary dependents (per annum net of taxes).

Minimum Requirements:
Education: M.D. or D.V.M. degree from a recognized university with a
postgraduate degree to the master's level in public health or in a field
related to food protection or a Ph.D. in a profession related to food
safety, or food protection technology.
Experience at national level: Seven years of experience in public health,
specifically in food inspection and control. Experience should include
responsibilities for the organization, administration and evaluation of
programs for processing, preservation, protection and safety of food,
particularly of animal origin.
At international level: Two years of participation in technical cooperation
programs and activities for the development, implementation, and evaluation
of food safety programs.
Languages: Very good knowledge of Spanish or English with a working
knowledge of the other.
For more information, contact:

525 Twenty-Third Street
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 USA
Tel: 202-974-3396; Fax 202-974-3379;

PAHO/WHO seeks consultant for road safety project in Jamaica
The Pan American Sanitary Bureau of the Pan American Health Organization
seeks a consultant for a road safety project to reduce the number of
traffic accidents in Jamaica. For more information, contact:

Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Pan American Health Organization
P.O. Box 384
Cross Roads P.O.
60 Knutsford Blvd.
Kingston 5, Jamaica
Tel: 809-926-1990-2; Fax: 809-929-1182

CCIC seeks a program officer for the Americas Policy Group
The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) seeks a program
officer for the Americas Policy Group. The program officer is responsible
for coordinating and staffing the activities of the  Americas Policy Group,
and helping the working group elaborate strategies for policy work
integrated into the work of the CCIC.
The candidate will have a minimum of three years relevant work experience
and: a university degree or equivalent; fluency in English and French
(written and spoken); be able to read and speak Spanish; knowledge of
development issues in Latin America; and familiarity with the Canadian NGO
community and strategies for building policy capacity and collaboration
relating to CCIC's policy agenda. A detailed job description is available
on the following websites: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
Deadline for applications is March 3, 1997. For more information, contact:

CCIC, Human Resources Coordinator
1 Nicholas St., Suite 300
Ottawa, ON  K1N 7B7
Tel: 613-241-7007; Fax: 613-241-5302; email: [log in to unmask]

CCCI recrute un(e) agent(e) de programme pour le Groupe d'orientation
politique pour les Ameriques
Le Groupe d'orientation politique pour les Ameriques (GOPA) du Conseil
Canadien pour la cooperation internationale (CCCI) recrute un(e) agent(e)
de programme que sera responsable de la coordination des activites du
Groupe d'orientation politique pour les Ameriques, avec qui la ou le
titulaire concourt a l'elaboration des strategies relatives aux
orientations d'une maniere coherente avec le travail du CCCI. Le ou la
candidat(e) aura trois ans d'experience pertinente et fera preuve des
connaissances et competences suivantes: diplome universitatire ou
l'equivalent; connaissance approfondie de l'anglais et le francais;
connaissance de l'espagnol ecrit ou parle; connaissance des injeux de
developpement en Amerique latine; et connaissance de la communaute des ONG
canadiennes et des strategies de mise en valeur des politiques et de
collaboration en ce qui concerne le programme du CCCI. Une description
d'emploi complete est disponible sur les sites electroniques:
[log in to unmask] ou [log in to unmask]

Date limite de reception des candidatures: le 3 mars, 1997. Pour des
renseignements supplementaires, veuillez communiquer avec:

CCCI, Coordinatrice, Ressources humaines
1, rue Nicholas, 3e etage
Ottawa (Ontario) K1N 7B7
Telecopie: 613-241-5302; Tel: 613-241-7007; courrier electronique:
[log in to unmask]

Summit on International Managed Care Trends, December 7-10, 1997
The American Association of Health Plans and the Academy for International
Health Studies will host the Summit on International Managed Care Trends
from December 7-10, 1997 in Boca Raton, Florida.
For more information, contact:

Academy for International Health Studies
Tel: +1-916-758-8600; Fax: +1-916-758-8686; E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Second Congress of Health Officers in Municipalities from the Americas
The Cuban Ministry of Public Health is hosting the Second Congress of
Health Officers in Municipalities from the Americas from June 2-6, 1997.
The goal of the congress is to improve the process of articulation and
discussion among health officials, local leaders, and managers of health in
municipalities about health and decentralization in municipalities in the
Americas. For more information, contact:
Ministerio de Salud Publica
Republica de Cuba
Relaciones Internationales
Calle 23 y N - Vedado, Havana, Cuba
Fax: 00537-334341/3244685

University of Florida offers course on Rural Biology and Mosquito Control
The University of Florida is offering a two week intensive course in
Spanish for both Latin American post graduate students in vector biology
and for scientists wishing to update their knowledge of mosquito control.
The course is designed to present practical information about the
identification, biology, and control of mosquitoes; increase knowledge of
diseases transmitted by mosquitoes; and contribute to the reduction of such
problems in the participants' native countries. The deadline for
applications is August 1, 1997. For more information, contact:

Biology and Control of Mosquitoes
University of Florida
Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory
200 9th St. S.E., Vero Beach, Florida 32962 USA
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