===================== HES POSTING ===================== 
Contrary to Kevin, it seems to me that it was pointed out successfully by 
Wieser & Bohm-Bawerk, among others, that explanatory arguments can be 
distinguished from moral judgments well before Weber popularized a 
particular (and not the best) casting of this fact of ordinary life.  It is 
the philosophers, perhaps under the influence of Weber, who have turned a 
fact of life into an indefensible piece of journal filling philosophical 
confusion.  Indeed, Hume articulated this fact of life pretty successfully 
himself more than two hundred years ago.  The insight stands, despite the 
confusions of the 20th century empiricist & positivist philosophers of 
science & social theory. 
The writings of Wieser & Bohm-Bawerk on this topic were available not only 
in German prior to Weber's, but also in English well before Weber's work 
found its way to the English speaking world. 
Greg Ransom 
Dept. of Philosophy 
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