===================== HES POSTING ===================== 
Among Weber's contemporaries who criticized his concept of "Wissenschaft" 
was also Otto Neurath, the economist and sociologist from the Vienna 
        You will find the most important Neurathian critiques of Weber in 
"Soziologie im Physikalismus" (1931). I also suggest you look in the name 
register of Neurath's "Gesammelte philosophische und methodologische 
Schriften" vol.2. (1981) 
        As secondary literature to Neurath Danilo Zolo's book "Reflexive 
Epistemology: the philosophical legacy of Otto Neurath" (1989) can also be 
        Further, the book "Max Weber und seine Zeitgenossen" (1988) edited 
by W.J. Mommsen and W. Schwnetker may be useful to find other critics among 
Weber's contemporaries. (There is an English edition of the book too.) 
Best wishes, 
Agnes Miklos Illes 
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