======================== HES POSTING ==================== 
Bruce Caldwell wrote about "Beyond Positivism": 
>Allen and Unwin, the original publisher of my book (BP), is 
>indeed, defunct, but most of their list was picked up by 
>another press, then another, in the buy-out mania of the 
>1980s.  BP finally ended up at Routledge, which reissued it 
>with a new preface in 1994. It is available from them in 
>both hard and paperback. 
Indeed, I just bought a copy right off the shelf at my local 
Also, would anyone on this list happen to know the email 
address for Stefano Fiori at the University of Florence?  I 
would like to contact him regarding his recent dissertation 
on Adam Smith.  Please respond to me at 
[log in to unmask]  Thanks in advance. 
Jonathon E. Mote 
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