====================== HES POSTING ===================== 
>Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 10:42:15 -0500 (EST) 
>From: bryce traister <[log in to unmask]> 
Graduate Student Conference 
26-27 September, 1997 
University of Western Ontario 
London, Ontario, Canada 
The Interdisciplinary Seminar on the 18th Century and the Centre for 
American Studies at the University of Western Ontario will sponsor an 
interdisciplinary graduate student conference on 26-27 September 1997 at 
University of Western Ontario, In London, Ontario.  We encourage those 
interested in participating to interpret the conference them of 
Eighteenth-Century Americas broadly in order to address issues of race, 
gender, class, ethnicity, religion, politics and intellectual matters 
the cultural context of Enlightenment America.  Topics from all disciplines 
pertaining to the eighteenth Century are welcome.  We invite graduate 
students in any discipline to submit one-page proposals accompanied by a 
brief CV.  Papers should take no longer than 20 minutes to present. 
Submissions for individual papers or entire sessions are welcome. 
Commentary will be provided by faculty.  Proposals must be received by 30 
April 1997. 
London, Ontario is approximately two hours (by car) from both Toronto and 
Detroit, and is serviced by train (VIA), bus (Greyhound), and the following 
major airlines: Air Canada, Canadian Airlines, USAir, and Northwest. 
Prof. Margaret Kellow 
Centre for American Studies 
#4425 Social Science Centre 
University of Western Ontario 
London, Ontario N6A 5C2 
(519) 661-3645 
FAX (519) 661-3010 
<[log in to unmask]> 
bryce traister 
<[log in to unmask]> 
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