I haven't looked at the CD "Twain's World," and I sure lack Mark Twain's
for self-promotion, but while the Forum is discussing the subject of virtual
Twain resources I want to get in a plug for the Twain website we're building
here at the Univ. of Virginia.  "Mark Twain in His Times" can be found at
"http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/railton."  Among other things, it contains
fully searchable electronic texts of five of Twain's books -- *Innocents
Abroad,* *Tom Sawyer,* *Huck Finn,* *Connecticut Yankee,* and *Pudd'nhead
Wilson/Those Extraordinary Twins.*  It also contains over 100 searchable
reviews, of those texts, and of various lecture performances between 1860s
and 1880s.  If you do check the site out, I'm always interested in feedback,
especially if you find something wrong or confusing.
     I'm also really interested in the question Jim Zwick asked, about using
virtual resources in the classroom.  We're trying to design "Twain in His
Times" to be useful to teachers as well as students of Mark Twain at all
levels, so I'd like to hear how people have used computers to teach him.
if anyone has any ideas for exhibits, etc., that could be in the website but
aren't, I'd love to hear about them too.  Stephen Railton