Many thanks to Greg Camfield and the others who, three days ago, raised
a fascinating issue about Mark Twain, science and religion.

For the last ten months I have had an identity crisis because my Internet
activities have seemed so unfocused.  Half of my time in Cyberspace has
been devoted to Mark Twain and the other half to Pierre Teilhard de
Chardin.  One was a folksy American novelist and humorist.  The other
was a Jeuit priest and paleoanthropologist (expert in human fossils)
who insisted that the church pay attention to scientific discoveries and
that science pay attention to religious insights.

You folks know my activities on behalf of Twain.  For Teilhard I wrote
a Web page called "Teilhard and the United Nations vs. the Great Museums"
( ) which is a page of the journal

The issues I have been following in these two different realms have
seemed so unrelated that I have wondered if this was a symptom of a
personality flaw in myself.  Thanks to you folks who spoke up last
Friday, I realize that there is a connection between Mark Twain and
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Mark Midbon