I wouldn't say the CD-ROM "Twain's World" is useless at all. Flawed, yes, but useful in many ways. In some cases, they could have chosen more authoritative texts, and the illustrations are truly wretched--with all those great originals, why they had to go with these lame cartoon is beyond me. And the quizzes are good only for kids, I guess. But there are several pluses. First, to me, is the ability to do word searches. There's no concordance to Mark Twain, but with this CD, you can do a decent search. I recently used it on a paper about racial language in _Huck Finn_. The word search yielded instant results, and showed me some things I might not have otherwise seen. Also, it includes a number of minor works that are a little hard to find. Finally, I've used it when I write papers and use large chunks of text to save typing: I highlight a passage, save it to the clipboard, then import into my paper. I wish it were more scholarly, but for the price, I think it's worth it. At least we work on Mark Twain! There's no Howells or James World, I notice. There's a fuller review in the Mark Twain Circular from a year or two ago; I'm sure somebody has the reference.