Dear friends,

regarding my posting on the above mentioned subject, I received a
message from a colleague, who wishes to remain anonymous for
understandable reasons.

Here it is:

Date sent:        Sun, 09 Mar 1997
To:               [log in to unmask]
Subject:          Re: Healthism in public health?

7 March 1997

Dear Eberhard,

An obvious analogy with Theresa Schumilas' problem about feeling
unable to speak out about certain matters in the context of her
official position, are the arguments surrounding the health impacts
and legal status of illicit drug use.  Drug and alcohol bureaucrats
invariably find it difficult to speak out in public or pro-actively
advise their minister that reform of current regressive illicit drug
policy might reduce rather than increase drug related harm. They
might find it difficult to advise against a "war against people",
sorry, "drugs", notwithstanding the impressive evidence suggesting
that such punitive approaches may not only be ineffective but may
also be harmful in terms of their impact on public health and social
integrity. That is, if they should hold such views.

Such actions might be seen as "professional suicide". So, ideology
continues to drive public policy rather than research and a healthy
questioning of the effectiveness of all current policies.

We can therefore go to bed each night feeling safe in the knowledge
that decision-makers in government have it all in hand.



To me this is *heavy stuff* - any comments?

Eberhard Wenzel MA PhD
Griffith University
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Nathan, Qld. 4111
Tel.: 61-7-3875 7103
Fax:  61-7-3875 7459
e-mail: [log in to unmask]