Item Subject: Message text
I am working with Debbie Bang to create a service (Health Information Express)
that increases the accessibility of the Consumer Health Information Centre by
bringing relevant health information to the community.

The primary objectives of the service are to:

. provide health information and community resources in community settings, for
example, schools, churches, senior centres etc., to individuals who may find
access difficult
. develop collaborative partnerships with other community groups and agencies

Specifically, I would like to know if your centre participates in similar
outreach activities.  If so,

. what activities are you involved in
. how are your services marketed
. how are the outcomes measured
. do you know of other centres involved in outreach activities

I would appreciate any information that you can share with me.  Please e-mail me
or call me on Monday, Tuesday or Friday at (905)822-1155, x 8053.


Beverley Powell-Vinden
Project Coordinator, Consumer HEalth
St. Joseph's Community Health Centre