
     I am also writing for the first time to the listserv although I have
     been lurking for at least a year.  I find the discussion stimulating
     and informative.  At present Alberta (my home) is preparing to
     proclaim legislation pertaining to living wills, called the Personal
     Directives Act.  I am looking for a validated survey questionaire
     addressing the issue of quality of life for people who write or not
     write a personal directive.  The intent of this legislation is to
     allow autonomy and self-determination for control over future

     The objective of the survey is to determine what influences people to
     write or not write a personal directive and satisfaction  For my PhD
     proposal I am considering researching the utilization of services in
     the last year of life for people with and without an advance
     directive.  A similar study was done in the U.S. that found no
     difference in length of stay, treatments offered and decisions made
     when comparing the two groups.  As there is a public perception that
     advance directives "save money in Health care costs", I believe it
     would be a good study.  Any thoughts on this type of research are
     welcome.  Any insight to a survey questionaire would be most helpful.

Thank you
Deborah St.Arnaud
EMAIL [log in to unmask]
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Request info.
Author:  Health Promotion on the Internet <[log in to unmask]> at Internet
Date:    3/25/97 5:10 PM

Dear Peter,

I will relay your message to my husband, who directs a crisis-house
program, and who has been doing more dual diagnosis work lately.

He may have information or referrals.

If you are preparing to study the issue, don't forget to include diet, a
much neglected effect-modifier of physiological response.

Best wishes,

Jean Norris (spouse of Brad Hestir)

>>Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 16:11:31
>>To: CLICK [log in to unmask]
>>From: Peter Bennett <[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: Request info.
>>Good afternoon listmembers,
>>This is the first time I've posted anything on this list, and it may be out
>of the ordinary, if not out of line. Presently, at my place of employment,
>we are changing some programs, and instituting new ones. One of these has to
>do with dual disorders/dual diagnosis. We have a great deal of information
>from Kathleen Sciacca, however we are looking for other sources as well. We
>are particularly interested in areas regarding pharmacological effects on
>those with chronic alcohol problems, i.e. side effects, contraindications,
>>We are also seeking examples of different modalities for treatment, as at
>present we have nothing on which to pattern our program.
>>If anyone out there can help, we would be very gratefull. Please send your
>replies to me by private e-mail.
>>                              [log in to unmask]
>>If this request is not in keeping with the purpose of this list, please let
>me know, and I apologize.
>>Peter Bennett

Jean C. Norris, MS, RD, DrPH            phone (510) 642-4498
Postdoctoral Researcher                 email [log in to unmask]
School of Public Health
590E University Hall
Berkeley, CA  94720-7360