Click4HP subscribers may be interested in attending an upcoming
conference called Creating Healthy Workplaces to be held on April 17 -
18 at Toronto's Sheraton Centre Hotel.

Titles of sessions include: The changing workplace context; Factors
influencing workplace health in a changing economy; Identifying the
healthy workplace; Lessons in health-related workplace change
(including lessons for health promotion and disease prevention in the
workplace); Managing for employee health and well-being.

Keynote speakers are: Jeremy Rifkin, President, Foundation on Economic
Trends and author of The End of Work; Michael O'Keefe, President and
CEO, Workers' Compensation Board; and Judith Maxwell, President,
Canadian Public Policy Research Networks.

Health promotion-related speakers include: Dr. Martin Shain (Addiction
Research Foundation) and Dr. Joan Eakin (Dept. of Behavioural Sciences
University of Toronto).

The conference is organized by the Institute for Work & Health, an
independent, not-for-profit research center that works to foster
understanding about the factors affecting workplace health, injury and

For registration information contact:
Tazim Hirani
Phone: (416) 927-2027 Ext. 2105
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
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