================== HES POSTING ======================= 
[NOTE: This is the message I apologized for improperly posting yesterday.  
It turned out that the Eh.Net machine saved me -- it sent the message back  
to the original list from which the message came (Eh.Teach) rather than  
posting it to HES. So the apology was not necessary and probably only  
confused you!! I formatted it correctly this time. --RBE] 
The Internet for Economists: An Introduction to Using the Internet as a 
Resource (See http://www.ilrt.bristol.ac.uk/ctiecon/events/cti.htm) 
1 full day workshop 
Wednesday 30 April 1997, University of Bristol 
Cost: 50 pounds sterling, including lunch 
Ros O'Leary, CTI Economics 
Tracey Hooper, SOSIG 
 A practical one-day workshop on using the Web to support 
 economics  research and teaching. 
 There are conflicting reports about the Internet: some have tried it 
 and found it wanting, others rave about it.  It is true that there are 
 many valuable, quality resources for social science teaching and 
 research available, but also true that they can be difficult to locate. 
 This practical one-day course intends to highlight what is available 
 and help you locate resources of use to you using SOSIG, Biz/ed and 
other services. 
 Ability to use a keyboard and mouse; familiarity with the Windows or 
 Mac environments. 
 Workshop Features: 
 * introduction to the Internet - jargon and concepts demystified 
 * getting the best from your browser - hints and tips 
 * introduction to SOSIG and Biz/ed - a chance to explore 
 * introduction to available teaching resources on the Internet 
 * using other national services - how can they help? 
 * search strategies and search tools - exploring the Wider Web 
 Each topic is supported by presentations, demonstrations and hands-on 
 sessions allowing participants to put what they have learned into 
 Workshop Timings: 
 A full day: 10am - 4:30pm 
 Who Should Attend: 
 HE economics academics, practitioners and postgraduate students 
 with little or no experience of  using the Internet and with a 
 interest in using the Web to locate resources to support their teaching 
 and/or research. 
 On completing the workshop, you will: 
 * understand some of the background to the Internet and the Web 
 * be able to customise your Web browser to maximum effect 
 * be able to browse and search SOSIG 
 * have an understanding of available Internet resources for social 
 * be able to use national services to locate quality Internet resources 
 * be able to undertake simple and advanced searches using search tools 
   to search the Wider Web 
 *have an understanding of the available resources for teaching using 
Reply Slip: The Internet for Economists : An Introduction to 
Using the Internet as a Resource 
Please fill in and MAIL the following to reserve a place for the 
Internet workshop on Wed 30 April at the University of Bristol, 
by 11 April. Please enclose a cheque for 50 pounds sterling or an 
official purchase order. 
I enclose a cheque for 50 pounds sterling made payable 
to "University of Bristol" 
Completed applications should be sent to: 
        Ros O'Leary 
        Internet Workshop 
        CTI Centre for Economics 
        Institute for Learning and Research Technology 
        University of Bristol, 
        8, Woodland Road, 
        Bristol, BS8 1 TN, 
        Tel: +44 (0)117 928 8478 
        Fax: +44 (0)117 928 8473 
        Email: [log in to unmask] 
        URL: http://www.ilrt.bristol.ac.uk/ctiecon/events/ 
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