====================== HES POSTING ================ 
Dear HES-ers: I am setting up a session at the Southern Economic  
Association meetings this Fall. The topic is "Hayek and Complexity  
Theory." The sorts of questions that might be explored are: what  
exactly is complexity theory; does it have any relation to the   
Austrian discussions of theories of complex phenomena; was Hayek a  
progenitor, or was it just a similarity a language; and so on. 
I'm looking for paper givers and discussants.  The session is  
sponsored by a new society called the Society for the Development of  
Austrian Economics, SDAE (just rolls off the lips, don't it).  The  
meetings are in Atlanta on November 21-23, 1997 (Friday through  
Please respond privately. Bruce Caldwell     [log in to unmask] 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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