Subject:                              Time:  1:37 PM
  OFFICE MEMO         Gorgas Course in Tropical Medicine    Date:  4/28/97

Learn Tropical Medicine in the Tropics!
The Gorgas Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine
Annual 9 week Diploma course next available February 3-April 4 1998.

Sponsored by the Gorgas Memorial Institute and given in Lima, Peru at the
Tropical Medicine Institute, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia this unique
tropical medicine training initiative combines an international faculty
(North America, Peru, Africa) with didactic and formal bedside teaching right
in the tropics.  320 contact hours (in English)-160 formal lecture hours,
plus diagnostic laboratory, daily ward rounds on a 36-bed tropical disease
unit or daily out-patient clinic, and case conferences.  Two 4-day teaching
trips to field clinics in the Andes and Amazon.  On-site Education Resource
Facility with internet wired PCÕs, complete collection of reference texts,
teaching slides, WHO/PAHO videos. Targetted to physicians, nurses, public
health professionals interested in tropical medicine and emerging pathogens.
CME and up to 9 Graduate Credit hours available; accredited by the American
Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.  Limited number of full
scholarships available to residents of the developing world.

For a full information package:

David O. Freedman, MD
The Gorgas Memorial Institute
University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, Alabama 35294 2170

Telephone:  800-UAB-MIST (US) or 205 934 2687 (from overseas).
Fax: 205 933 5671
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
World Wide Web: (URL is
case-sensitive).  Full curriculum, faculty CVÕs, and logistical details
available at this site.

Note that for the February/March 1997 course, all 28 places were filled by
July 1996.