My name is Mary Quartarone, working with the Addiction Research
Foundation. I am currently working with our youth program planning team
to conduct a review of literature and programs that address issues
around siblings and their influence in mediating the use/abuse of drugs
within families.

If anyone knows of studies (completed, in development or in progress)
or programs that touch, even tangentially, on the following questions, we
would appreciate hearing about them:

Do brothers and sisters affect each other when it comes to the alcohol
and other drugs and if so, how?

Are there existing programs that address sibling influence, either around
substance abuse or family functioning in general?

Do siblings contribute to resiliency and risk in families? If so, how?

Thank you for any tidbits you might be able to throw (cyber-phorically)
my way.

Mary Quartarone,  Developer
Addiction Research Foundation
33 Russell St.
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 2S1
Phone: 416-595-6753
Fax: 416-595-6923
Email:  [log in to unmask]