SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- PAHO
- Vacancy Notice
Post Title: Advisor on Communicable Diseases; Level: P.4; Post Number:
4.4729; Duty Station: Washington,D.C.; Tenure: Two years, first year
probationary; Division/Program/Office: Division of Disease Prevention and
Control (NCP) Communicable Diseases Program (HCT).

Basic Salary:  $48,019 at single rate; $51,597 with primary dependents (per
annum net of taxes); Post Adjustment: $11,092 at single rate; $11,919 with
primary dependents (per annum net of taxes).

Minimum Requirements: Education: A university degree in a health related
profession and a Master's degree in epidemiology or public health. An M.D.
or a postgraduate degree in a health related profession would be an asset.
Experience at national level: Seven years of experience in research and
training in communicable disease and related fields and in the management
of research projects at the national level with a recognized standing in
the field of epidemiology.
At international level: Two years of participation in technical cooperation
programs and activities on research and research capability strengthening
including the formulation of research policies and definition of research
priorities in applied field research in communicable diseases.
Languages: Very good knowledge of English or Spanish, with a working
knowledge of the other.

For more information, contact:
Pan American Health Organization, 525 Twenty-Third Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20037 USA. Fax: (202)974-3379; Tel: (202)974-3396;
Vacancy Hotline: (202) 974-3333;

For additional information about this and other PAHO vacancy notices, check
out the PAHO website at:

Applications sought for PAHO Training Program in International Health
PAHO is currently accepting applications for the 1997 Training Program in
International Health. The purpose of the Program is to promote leadership
in international public health by enabling participants to develop a
broader vision of international and regional trends, and a more profound
understanding of technical cooperation in this field.

Requirements: Master's degree in Public Health or an equivalent graduate
degree including the social sciences as applied to health; minimum of two
years experience in directing programs, projects, or services, in education
or in health research; be a permanent member of one of the PAHO Member
Countries; fluency in English with a working-knowledge of Spanish. The age
limit is 35 years at deadline for application, which is July 15, 1997. For
more information, contact:

Training Program in International Health
Human Resources Development Program
Division of Health Systems and Services Development
Pan American Health Organization
525 Twenty-Third Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.  20037-2895
Tel: (202) 974-3825; Fax: (202) 974-3612

Canadians can obtain application packages from the Canadian Society for
International Health, 170 Laurier Ave. West, Suite 902, Ottawa, ON  K1P
5V5. Tel: (613) 230-2654, ext. 309; Fax: (613) 230-8401;
email: [log in to unmask]

Institute of Tropical Medicine "Pedro Kouri" offers international course on
Dengue and Hemorrhagic Dengue
The Institute of Tropical Medicine "Pedro Kouri", a PAHO/WHO Collaborating
Center for the Study of Viral Diseases, is offering an international course
entitled "Advances in the Knowledge of Dengue and Hemorrhagic Dengue". The
course will be offered from August
19-29, 1997 in Havana, Cuba. The course includes seminars, group
discussions and practical sessions. It will cover topics such as new
aspects of the virulence of Dengue; clinical management of patients;
molecular biology of the agent; advances in laboratory diagnosis; and
programs of eradication of the Vector in The Americas. The deadline for
application is July 1, 1997. For more information, contact:

Prof. María Guadalupe Guzmán, Institute Pedro Kourí, P.O. Box 601, Marianao
13, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telephone/ FAX: 53-7-336051 and 53-7-220633;
Telex: 511902 cuipk and 512341 cuipk. E-Mail: [log in to unmask]

Canadian Nurses celebrate Nursing Week, May 12-18
Registered nurses across Canada will be celebrating Nursing Week from May
12-18. The theme this year is "Sharing the Health Challenge". Nursing Week
offers the opportunity to congratulate nurses for the many contributions
they make, and to educate the public about the role that registered nurses
play in the health care system. For more information, contact:

Canadian Nurses Association, 50 Driveway, Ottawa, ON  K2P 1E2
Tel: (613) 237-2133, or 1-800-361-8404; Fax: (613) 237-3520

Les infirmieres canadiennes celebrent la Semaine nationale des soins
infirmiers, du 12-18 mai
Les infirmieres autorisees de tous les coins du Canada seront de la partie
pour celebrer la Semaine nationale des soins infirmiers, qui aura lieu du
12 au 18 mail. Le theme de la Semaine, "La sante, un defi a partager",
illustre la facon dont les infirmieres autorisees jouent un role essentiel
aupres des consommateurs pour repondre a leurs besoins en matiere de soins
de sante. L'objet de la Semaine nationales des soins infirmiers est
d'accroitre la sensibilisation du public, et d'eduquer les Canadiens sur
les questions de sante.

Pour plus se renseignements, communiquer avec:
Association des infirmieres et infirmiers du Canada, 50 Driveway, Ottawa,
ON  K2P 1E2
Tel: (613) 237-2133, ou 1-800-361-8404; Telec.: (613) 237-3520

Information kits for World No-Tobacco Day available online
World No-Tobacco Day, promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), is
celebrated each year on May 31. The theme this year is "United for a
tobacco-free world". Materials for World No-Tobacco Day will not appear in
printed form. However, they will be available on the Internet at:

For more information, contact:
Neil E. Collishaw, Programme on Substance Abuse, WHO, CH - 1211 Geneva 27,
Switzerland. Tel: (41 22) 791-21-11; Fax: (41 22) 791-48-51; Telex: 415416;

National Institute of Public Health in Mexico offers postgraduate
The National Institute of Public Health/School of Public Health in Mexico
is offering a variety of postgraduate programmes. These include Master's
degree in public health, health service administration, or health sciences,
and a Doctorate degree in public health sciences. The deadline for
applications for programmes starting in March 1998 is May 1997. For more
information, contact:

Instituto Nacional e Salud Publica, Av. Universidad 655, Col. Sta Maria
Ahuacatitlan C.P. 62508, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Tel: (52) (73) 11-22-18; Fax: (52 73) 17-55-29;
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
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