Hello all

Recently there's been quite a few personal messages appearing on
CLICK4HP, accidentally sent when someone thinks that they are 'replying'
to an individual and end up sending their note about a meeting or a trip
to 400 other people.
Take note - even though your header may state that 'Alison Stirling'
sent you this message, it really is the [log in to unmask] that is
sending the message under my alias - so 'replying' is not going to get a
message to me, but the computer.  Be sure to check your address *before*
you hit the send button!

One of the CLICK4HP subscribers, Scarlett Pollack, also facilitates
another list called womenspace, and she recently sent out a note to all
Women'space subscribers about sending messages to the list. A number of
useful tips were included in that general message, so I will repeat it
here with a few changes. Everywhere it says CLICK4HP it had said
womenspace. Thank you Scarlett and Jo!

Hi all,

Here's a reminder about sending messages to the list:

To write to everyone on the CLICK4HP list, use: [log in to unmask]
Only send messages to this address that you wish to be distributed to
everyone on the list.

Send personal messages directly, and not to the list as a whole,
400 people are reading your personal messages.  And of course everyone
the list gets irritated, as you would, if their mailboxes are cluttered
personal messages between others on the list.

To write to us personally, and if you are having any difficulties with
commands, use: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

To unsubscribe to the list, send an email to:  [log in to unmask]
leave the subject line blank
and in the body of the message type:
signoff CLICK4HP
unsubscribe CLICK4HP

To subscribe to the list, send an email to:  [log in to unmask]
leave the subject line blank
and in the body of the message type:

subscribe CLICK4HP Your Full Name (eg.  subscribe click4hp Alison



[with appreciation to Scarlett, Jo and Women'space]