
> Does anyone have a step by step instruction guide for the
> Internet that we can use to orient our volunteers?

We don't have an internet beginners' guide, but we do have a simple
guide to searching the web for medical information, which would be useful
once the beginners have learned the basics.

Try http://www.mednet.org.uk/mednet/ and look under the "reference pages"

Hope this helps.


/                        |                                         \
| Ramsey D. Badawi       |                                         |
| ----------------       |                                         |
| Clinical P.E.T. Centre | INTERNET: [log in to unmask]           |
| Lower Ground Floor     |                                         |
| Lambeth Wing           |                                         |
| St Thomas' Hospital    |                                         |
| Lambeth Palace Road    |                                         |
| London SE1 7EH         | tel: +44 171 922 8106                   |
| UNITED KINGDOM         | fax: +44 171 620 0790                   |
|                        |                                         |
|        WWW: http://www-pet.umds.ac.uk/~ramseyb                   |