When I tried to open Jennifer Poole recent posting on self-help research
I received a warning note from our virus scanner about the attached file
having a particularly vicious computer virus in it - the CONCEPT virus.
Please scan this file before opening using Mcafee Virus scanner or
similar one that can detect Concept. This virus is very common and will
write over the templates of Word files.

Please avoid attaching files to messages going out to hundreds of people
on list-servs!  It is one of the few ways that computer viruses can be
spread - generally they are not sent in text e-mail messages.  Instead
of attaching files, have people contact you directly for copies of
particular reports.


Alison, yr humble co-facilitator...

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Alison Stirling, health promotion consultant
Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse
1(800) 263-2846 ext 226 OR (416) 408-2121 ext 226
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
Internet: http://www.web.net/~stirling/
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