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There is at least one reference to Lavington in JMK.  Dennis Robertson 
objected to the use (or rather abuse) of Pigou as a 'klassical' whipping 
boy; he thought that the less well-known Lavington was "surely the most 
'classical' writer of our generation!" (JMK XIV [1936], 97, n1).   
But the rhetoric of the GT required a major mainstream figure as fallguy; 
neither Lavington nor the LSE 'Austrians' could play that role.  Hence one 
of the leading opponents of the 'Treasury view' had to be repackaged, and 
his "ultra theoretical" (and somewhat tedious) analysis of wage flexibility 
ripped all bloody from its context in order in order write a third 'Economic 
Consequences' (this time of Prof. Pigou).  
Robert Leeson - Senior Lecturer - Economics Department 
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Murdoch University, Western Australia 
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