==================== HES POSTING ==================== 
Call for Symposium Proposals 
Philosophy of Science Association 
Sixteenth-Biennial Meeting, 21-25 October 1998 
Members of the PSA are invited to submit proposals for 
symposia to be presented at the 1998 PSA meeting in Kansas 
City, October 21-25.  Proposals must include sufficient 
supporting material to permit the program committee to 
evaluate the quality and interest of the symposium.  The 
proposal should include: (1) the title of the proposed 
symposium; (2) a description of the topic and a justification 
of its current importance to the discipline (about one or two 
pages); (3) titles and abstracts of papers; (4) a list of 
participants and either an abbreviated cv or a short 
biographical information file for each; (5) addresses of each 
participant, with the institutional affiliation, postal and 
email addresses, and telephone and fax numbers.  Please 
indicate clearly the name of the organizer or contact person 
for the purposes of communication with the Program Committee. 
In addition to inviting proposals in traditional, core areas 
of the philosophy of science, the Program Committee wants 
also to encourage the submission of proposals in areas where 
the philosophy of science engages social issues in science or 
issues in science policy. 
A selection of symposium papers will be published after the 
meeting in PSA 1998, vol. 2, which will  be published as a 
supplementary issue of Philosophy of Science.  Organizers 
should make it clear to symposium participants that, 
normally, by accepting the invitation to participate in a 
symposium they agree to present a paper at the meeting and to 
deliver a manuscript for consideration for publication 
shortly after the meeting.  Symposium organizers who wish to 
invite someone who would not submit a manuscript for 
publication should make that status clear in the symposium 
Symposium proposals should reach the chair of the Program 
Committee no later than July 31, 1997. 
The Program Committee for PSA 1998 is as follows: Robert 
Brandon (DukeUniversity), James Cushing (University of Notre 
Dame), John Dupre (University of Exeter and Birkbeck College, 
University of London), Marc Lange (University of Washington), 
Lynn Hankinson Nelson (Rowan College of New Jersey), Kristin 
Shrader-Frechette (University of South Florida), and John 
Worrall (London School of Economics). 
All submissions should be directed to: 
Don Howard, Chair 
PSA 1998 Program Committee 
History and Philosophy of Science 
346 O'Shaughnessy 
University of Notre Dame 
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 
Tel. 219-631-5015 
Fax 219-631-8209 
email: [log in to unmask] 
All inquiries after about 15 June should be directed to the 
same address.  Prior to 15 June, inquiries should be 
addressed to: 
Don Howard, Chair 
PSA 1998 Program Committee 
Department of Philosophy 
University of Kentucky 
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0027 
Tel. 606-257-4376 
Fax 606-257-3286 
email: [log in to unmask] 
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