======================= HES POSTING ================= 
> As people prepare syllabi for next year's history of economic thought 
> courses, I am sure that many could benefit from suggestions made by 
> others. So .... 
Next Spring, in a combined graduate/undergraduate class, I will be 
assigning  _Belief and Resistence: Dynamics of Contemporary 
Intellectual Controversy_ ,  by Barbara Herrnstein Smith (Cambridge: 
Harvard University Press paperback, 1997) at the beginning of the 
This book takes up the current contests over the 
nature and meaning of "truth", "reason" and "objectivity" and 
provides an original perspective on issues of relativism and 
skepticism, which issues remain central to understanding the 
historiography of science, a fortiori the historiography of 
economics, at the end of this century. 
E. Roy Weintraub, Professor of Economics 
Director, Center for Social and Historical Studies of Science 
Duke University, Box 90097 
Durham, North Carolina 27708-0097 
Phone and voicemail: (919) 660-1838 
Fax: (919) 684-8974 
E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
URL: http://www.econ.duke.edu/~erw/erw.homepage.html 
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