Does anyone have access to ideas/models for supporting "natural helpers" who
access needle exchange sites or similar programs?  The context: many of the
individuals coming to needle exchange sites in this city are, in turn,
providing support to people who will always remain underground but rely on
the skills and knowledge of people they trust, eg. in relation to safe
injecting, remedies for serious cuts, bruises, burns and the like.

eg. A woman who is an injection drug user suffered a serious burn to her
face but would not go for medical treatment.  Several people tried remedies
to help her, but she ended up with a serious infection.  Those offering help
needed some simple know-how about treating a third degree burn.

Staff recognize key role the "natural helpers" play and are seeking ways to
offer relevant support. When staff asked some people what kind of support
they would want, the question was not easy to answer.

Support to the "natural helpers" has to fit with the context and could span
knowledge, skills and/or resources.

I would appreciate your thoughts!

Ann Goldblatt