Hello all,

Recently we've had a few people who have sent messages to all 415
subscribers on CLICK4HP asking to be removed from the list. As well,
there are many people who seem to be away on holiday and have posted
auto-reply messages for incoming mail, which sends a flurry of error
messages back to the list-owners. It seems time to do another reminder
about how to deal with list-serv subscriptions.  It might be a good idea
to **save** this message for future reference!

For those people who are unsure of where to send their request for
leaving a list, or making temporary changes to their subscription  -
make note of the LISTSERV ADDRESS - of the computer for commands. It is
**not** the same as the address for messages to all on the  CLICK4HP
list.  Some useful commands to note:

1. Send a message to the listserver , which in this case is
    [log in to unmask]

2. Leave the subject line blank

3. In the message body type in your desired command

UNSUBscribe click4hp  [or the name of any other list-serv name that wish
to unsubscribe to)

SET [listname]  nomail  [for postponing mail until your return from
holidays when you send another message saying 'set click4hp mail']

SET [listname] DIGEST [to receive the list in digest format (multiple
messages compiled into a single daily or weekly mailing)
SET [listname] NODIGEST  [to cancel the digest and receive separate

REVIEW [listname or click4hp]   [to see the list of subscribers in the

SET [listname or click4hp] CONCEAL [to 'hide' your name from the list of

INDEX [listname or click4hp] Obtain a list of archive files for the list
GET  [filetype] [listname] F=MAIL  (e.g., GET  LOG9706 CLICK4HP F=MAIL)
Retrieve an archive

If you experience problems with unsubscribing, or posting, or have any
questions about a list - please contact the list-owners. You can do this
by sending a message to the list-name-request@list-server domain - ie.
[log in to unmask]  OR contact the list-owners directly. In this
Alison Stirling - [log in to unmask]
Liz Rykert - [log in to unmask]
Sam Lanfranco - [log in to unmask]

OR - if you have Internet access - then look at the following resources
for subscribing to an e-mail discussion list:
http://lawlib.slu.edu/training/mailser.htm  - Discussion Lists:
Mail-List Manager Commands
http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/ifla/I/training/listserv/lists.htm - Internet
Mailing Lists Resource Guide from the International Federation of
Library Associations and Institutions


P.S. - Here I'll plug my own short resource called
"Getting Connected: Using Computers for Health Promotion"
which is a new short [8 page] guide to getting connected to the Internet
and what tools to use when you are there (e-mail, electronic  lists,
search engines for finding web-sites), as well as relevant print and
on-line resources.
You can get a print copy by contacting me, or an on-line version with
hyper-links (and a down-loadable Adobe Acrobat version) at:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Alison Stirling, health promotion consultant
Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse
1(800) 263-2846 ext 226 OR (416) 408-2121 ext 226
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
Internet: http://www.web.net/~stirling/
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *