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I would recommend  Michele Pujol's insightful analysis of women and gender 
relations, Feminism and Anti-Feminism in Early Economic Thought. It is 
essential reading in this field. 
Another excellent choice is Lourdes Beneria's 1995 article " "Toward a 
Greater Integration of Gender in Economics," in World Development, vol. 23, 
no. 11.  It deals with recent history and provides an excellent foundation 
for the women and development literature.   
Finally, as subscribers to this list may or may not know, Michele Pujol 
of cancer recently. It was a sad, sad day for many of us. 
[MODERATOR NOTE: A message regarding Michele's death was posted to HES; it  
is available in the HES list Archives at  
Drue Barker 
Department of Economics, Hollins College                          
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