======================= HES POSTING ================= 
> The discussion of "the neoclassical position" concerning self-interest 
> what is, for me at least, an interesting problem:  What makes a position 
> (theory, model, etc.) neoclassical? 
> I'd be very interested in others' thoughts on these matters. 
My own (1992) attempt to answer this is on the Web at 
E. Roy Weintraub, Professor of Economics 
Director, Center for Social and Historical Studies of Science 
Duke University, Box 90097 
Durham, North Carolina 27708-0097 
Phone and voicemail: (919) 660-1838 
Fax: (919) 684-8974 
E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
URL: http://www.econ.duke.edu/~erw/erw.homepage.html 
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