======================= HES POSTING ================= 
In reply to Mary Schweitzer: 
1. Constrained maximization does not require value in exchange, but if it 
occurs in Neoclassical Economics, value in exchange is entailed. 
2. Value in exchange is the center piece and starting point for 
NEOCLASSICAL economics. 
3.  Methodological individualism is a different thing from partial or 
general equilibrium. 
4.  Not all economics is Neoclassical.  The statistical study of economic 
time series need not entail a preconceived theory. 
5. My error.  NEOCLASSICAL economics has not changed.  But, having defined 
Lionel Robbins's economics as Neoclassical, I must say, by definition, 
that it has not changed. 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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