{The following message is posted on behalf of Dr. Lawrence I. Berkove who made the following announcement at Elmira College during "The State of Mark Twain Studies" conference on August 14, 1997.--KB} A MEMORIAL FUND FOR TWAIN SCHOLARS Fellow Twainians: All of us have been saddened by the deaths of Twain scholars whose writings guided and aided us in our own careers. Henry Nash Smith and John Tuckey, for example, passed away a few years ago; Stanley Brodwin, Jim Wilson, and Pascal Covici much more recently. While those of us who knew these individuals personally have attempted in a variety of ways to comfort their families, I wish to recommend that any and all Twainians who wish to commemorate past and future demises of Twain scholars, do so by contributing to the life of the Mark Twain Project. The Mark Twain Project (MTP), located at the University of California-Berkeley, is without doubt the major scholarly Twain activity. For years, it has been annually publishing one or two outstanding editions of Twain's works: novels, tales, notebooks, and letters. Every single Twainian has benefited by its productions, models of editorial scholarship. In recent years, however, it has had to maintain its operations with a reduced staff and reduced funding, and its editor has had added to his already more than full-time task the burden of fund-raising. Despite its conscientious efforts to find donors who are not also sought after by the University of California fund-raisers, the MTP is chronically underfunded and heavily dependent upon grants. The Mark Twain Circle, uniquely concerned with the progress of Twain scholarship, now has an opportunity to memorialize our departed colleagues by helping the MTP. As of this date, the Mark Twain Project has established a permanent Memorial Fund for Twain Scholars. Donations in memory of deceased Twain scholars will be promptly acknowledged; notification of donations will be sent to a close survivor; and the names of donors will be published in a separate category of the acknowledgment section of the next published volume of the MTP. Every donation will help keep purposefully alive the memory of our cherished colleagues by giving support to this activity dedicated to preparing definitive editions of the author to whom they devoted their lives. Checks may be made out to: Friends of the Bancroft Library University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 Write "For the Mark Twain Project" on the memo line, and send a covering note saying "in memory of . . ." and supplying an address to which notification should be sent. Every dollar donated is presently matched and counts double. Please be as generous as you can. Larry Berkove