If you all will forgive such crass commercialism, I'd like to let FORUM members know that The Center for Mark Twain Studies has some items left from the 1997 Conference (held in August) available for purchase. We have a small stack of the conference poster left. For a mere $5, you too can own this lovely poster of Twain shipboard with his grey locks flowing in the wind. The bookstore still has a limited number of conference shirts available (limited sizes too). They are $12.95. There are also two designs of ceramic coffee mugs left. The regular mug, with Twain's picture on it sells for $5.95. Another design arrived late Saturday thanks to UPS, so many conference attendees never even got to see the mug with a lovely color rendering of the original elephant frontispiece from _Following the Equator_. These mugs are $8.95. If you would like any of these items, you can send your order to the Center for Mark Twain Studies in one of four ways: FAX: (607) 735-1765 PHONE: (607) 735-1941 Email: <[log in to unmask]> MAIL: Elmira College, Center for Mark Twain Studies, 1 Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901 You are also welcome to email me back. This is Renee Gross, Gretchen Sharlow's assistant, (emailing from my "real" job at Corning Community College). <[log in to unmask]> You don't have to send us money; we'll send you a bill with your merchandise. Thanks! Renee