SYNERGY ONLINE:  Bulletins and News Briefs from
The Canadian Society for International Health: [log in to unmask]

CSIH's International Health Youth Internships Program seeks applicants
CSIH's most recent program, the International Health Youth Internships
Program, addresses recent graduates and students about to graduate, who
are planning a career in health or in a health-related field. During
the first year of operation, 45 young Canadian professionals will benefit
from significant work experience in an international context, through
six to twelve month internship placements with organizations involved in international health.

Twenty (20) placements are funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade (DFAIT) and focus on international health activities
in industrialized countries. Another 25 internships are funded by the
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and focus on health in developing countries and countries of Central and Eastern Europe in
economic transition.

For additional information and to consult the listing of available
internships, please consult the Youth Internships WEB page at:

CSIH seeks advisory committee member for its International Health
Youth Internships Program
The Advisory Committee of the International Health Youth Internships
Program is looking for a fifth member between now and June 1998. This
person will have a solid expertise in international health and program management as well as a good knowledge of the NGO community. The
Committee reviews all the proposals submitted by partner organizations interested in hosting an intern and also helps in the selection of
candidates. The Committee members will need to invest a few hours a week
during September and October to review the proposals and candidatures.
All communications take place by telephone, fax and email. The next three teleconferences are scheduled for September 19, September 30 and
October 14, 1997. If you are interested or wish to have additional
information, please contact Helene Thibault, Program Manager, at
(613) 241-5785, ext. 327 or by e-mail at: [log in to unmask]
(please write "Youth Internships Advisory Committee" on the subject line).

AmFAR AIDS Research - >>Special Targeted Request for Proposals: Immune Reconstitution in HIV Infection
>>The American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) is pleased to announce
the availability of special targeted >research grant support for a maximum
award of $150,000 including not more than 20 per cent for indirect costs,
for >projects in Immune Reconstitution in HIV Infection. These projects
will have a one-year period of performance, >with the possibility of renewal
for a second year of research. Collaboration among applicants and within
>existing research projects is strongly encouraged by the Foundation.
Pre-application Letters of Intent are >invited for projects that fall within
the areas specified (please check with the Research Office for details).
A limited number of full applications will be solicited from submitted
Letters of Intent. Deadline for submission of Letters of Intent:
September 5, 1997. For more information, contact: >

>Danny M. Lopez, Business Officer
Graduate Department of Community Health, University of Toronto
Tel: (416) 978-8559; Fax: (416) 978-1883; E-mail: [log in to unmask]
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