On Monday, September 22, 1997 12:38 AM, Paul Lee[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]

> Following on Dr. Raphael's fine analasis of health inequality and the
> recomendation that puplic health focus on the "3 P's"
> Perhaps there is also an opportunity for "3 E's" - - Education,>
Economics, and Empowerment

It is funny what propels a long-time listener to speak, but this proposal
for the three E's and the former wonderful but too brief paper on health
inequalities is what did it for me.

Anyway, I would like more detail on the three E's and wonder why you have
chosen Economics over Equality???  And I wonder about a definition of
Empowerment, as a consumer and advocate for poor people I may have a very
different view and understanding of empowerment than the Health Promotion

Thanks all for this wonderful space, I can help but think of the line "Use
it or Lose it"

Barrie, Ontario
Sherrie Tingley
Barrie Action Committee for Women
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