==================== HES POSTING ==================== 
[NOTE: The Association for Institutionalist Thought also meets with the  
WSSA (announcement posted recently on HES). -- RBE] 
The Western Social Science Association invites papers and panels on 
American Studies topics for its annual conference, April 15-18, 1998, in 
Denver, CO. Subjects may range broadly over the social sciences, arts, and 
Please request application forms from: 
        Daniel J. McInerny 
        WSSA-American Studies Coordinator 
        Department of History 
        Utah State University 
        Logan, UT 84322-0710 
        Phone: 801.797.1283     Fax: 801.797.3899 
        E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
OR, submit the following to the address above: 
        1. title of paper + abstract (not to exceed 150 words) 
        2. c.v. 
        3. postal/email addresses + phone/fax numbers 
        4. audio-video equipment needs 
Due date for proposals: November 1, 1997 
NOTE: Scholars willing to serve as moderators/discussants should indicate 
      their interests 
Daniel J. McInerny 
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============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
For information, send the message "info HES" to [log in to unmask]