===================== HES POSTING =================== 
[The organizer of this conference, Scott Lee, is particulary interested 
in having historians of economics attend this conference and would be 
*very* receptive to paper proposals from HES subscribers. -- RBE] 
Fourth Annual Conference 
17 - 20 April 1998 
Sponsored by the University of North Carolina, Asheville 
Radisson Hotel 
Asheville, North Carolina 
We invite you to attend the fourth annual ACTC conference: Core Text  
Education: Knowledge, Action, Creation. ACTC is dedicated to the use of  
core texts in required undergraduate core curricula. Since 1995, our  
institutional membership has grown from 24 original colleges and  
universities to 80, while our conferees have grown from 33 to 120. 
Plenary Speakers: 
David Bevington, University of Chicago 
Timothy Lenoir, Stanford University 
Proposals for short papers to be presented in panel sessions are welcome.  
The conference goals are furthered through conversation and discussion, so  
the conference organizers ask for short papers of five pages  
(double-spaced) with 3/4 of a page devoted to one specific text. 
Proposals (one paragraph) may be for papers or for a full panel. Panel  
proposals should include people from different institutions. 
Paper proposals should address the conference theme are be directed at the  
aims of core text education: 
Are we transmitting and developing knowledge, or are we seeking  
understanding instead? Are we engaged in interdisciplinary work or does  
one discipline model all our work? 
Are we inculcating habits or values? Or, are we making better persons,  
institutions, or societies? Is inclusiveness or diversity our goal? 
Are we teaching arts, or rather, skills to students? Does our teaching  
depend on the appreciation of beauty? Does form matter? 
We welcome papers dealing with such questions at the curricular, course,  
or textual level and we also welcome papers on strategies of support for  
core texts or the technology of core texts. 
ACTC serves three basic purposes: 
1) to advance the use of world classics and/or culturally significant  
texts in integrated undergraduate core curricula; 
2) to promote discussion about these texts and curricula as well as their  
appropriate pedagogies; 
3) to raise the status of professional core text faculty. 
If you have further questions, please contact 
J. Scott Lee 
Associate Director, ACTC 
1114 Berks 
214 Anderson Hall 
Temple University 
Philadelphia, PA 19122 
Email: [log in to unmask] 
Ross B. Emmett                       Manager, Electronic Information 
Augustana University College          History of Economics Society 
Camrose, Alberta CANADA   T4V 2R3 
voice: (403) 679-1517   fax: (403) 679-1590 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
URL: http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~emmer/ 
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