====================== HES POSTING ================= 
HESers may be interested in the following session at the Southern Economic 
Association meeting. 
Southern Economic Association Session 
Atlanta Hilton 
Atlanta, GA 
November 22, 1997 
1:30-3:15 PM 
"Milton Friedman's Legacy as a Teacher" 
Session Chair: J. Daniel Hammond, Wake Forest University 
Gerald P. Dwyer, Jr., Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Clemson University 
        "What Made Milton Friedman Distinctive as a Teacher?" 
David I. Fand, George Mason University 
        "The Notes for Milton Friedman's Price Theory Course: Economics 300 at the 
University of Chicago." 
Robert Hetzel, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 
        "The Formation of Intellectual Consensus: A Study of Friedman's Monetarism." 
Richard H. Timberlake, Jr., University of Georgia 
        "Observations on a Constant Teacher by a Graduate Student Emeritus." 
Phillip D. Cagan, Columbia University 
George Macesich, Florida State University 
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