In message <[log in to unmask]>, Jean-Marc Dupont
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>A recent posting to C4HP from Andrea Toepell
>reminded me I should make a similar request
>to the listserv relating to gender and health.
>We are currently working on a healthy child development
>resource guide which looks at identifying a set of positive
>outcomes we would like all children to achieve at different
>transition points in life (transition to the 1st year
>of life, to school, to adolescence and to adulthood).
>If anyone has any information relating to the transition
>to adolescence (references, contacts, atc.) which helps
>support the following draft outcomes we have identified
>I would greatly appreciate an email message directly
>or through C4HP if appropriate.
>Specifically, we are looking at:
>1. Positive, secure and integrated identity,
>and the roles gender and culture play as determinants
>of this positive outcome. We are looking at other
>determinants as well of course, but this request
>related to gender specifically.
>Other positive outcomes we are tinkering with which
>are also in our opinion influenced by gender and
>culture are:
>2. Social competency, positive values and strong
>interpersonal skills.
>3. A commitmment to learning.
>4. Healthy, appropriate behaviour choices.
>Again, this request refers to our work on identifying
>positive outcomes and determinants of these outcomes
>for youth making a healthy transition to adolesence.
>I hope this request is specific and clear enough.
>I look forward to posting very soon on this listserv,
>information on the emerging resource guide we are
>producing online which deals with all four transitions.
>It should be avaliable for review next month.
>Thanks in advance for your help.
>JM Dupont <[log in to unmask]>

With regard to the transition from primary (8-11 year olds) to secondary (11-16
year olds) school, we've published a resource on our website which may be of

"Transition from Primary to Secondary Education" outlines several good practices
employed locally as models of good practice.

Anyone who thinks this would be of interest should point their browsers at

The resource itself is in the resources section, which is clearly linked in the
professionals area of the site.

Hope this is useful

Paul Frost
Internet Administrator
Health Promotion and Education Services
Priority Healthcare Wearside NHS Trust
+44 (0)191 565 6256 ext 48324
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