====================== HES POSTING =================== 
                  Press Release - November 15, 1997 
Abstracts in the History of Economics will remain a free service to all. 
Many of you have received an announcement saying that the Economic 
Research Network will start charging a subscription fee for their abstract 
journals. I want to report that EH.Net will continue to offer its abstract 
services (both Abstracts in Economic History and Abstracts in the History 
of Economics) for free.  I am not sure how many abstracts in the history 
of economics ERN has as their archive cannot be searched except by title 
or author. 
Abstracts in the History of Economics is a new service (about one month 
old with a growing database of abstracts) and can be searched by 16  
different subject codes, 8 geographical codes, and any key word you want  
to use. 
Come visit Abstracts in the History of Economics today at 
http://www.eh.net/~HisEcSoc/abstracts/ And by all means, use the easy 
form there to enter your own abstract. 
I look forward to reading about everyone's current work. 
Ross B. Emmett 
Manager, Electronic Information, History of Economics Society  
Augustana University College 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
URL: http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~emmer 
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