=================== HES POSTING ====================== 
Regarding Roy Davidson's comments about Henry George's reception in  
For a fascinating account of the attempts to suppress the influence of 
Henry George in the US in the 1880s and 1890s, and the convenience of 
the neo-classical J B Clarkian revolution that fused land with capital 
to tell the marginal productivity of distribution story and give it an 
ethical support, see Mason Gaffney, "The Corruption of Economics", 
London, Shepheard-Walwyn, 1994 - reviewed last year in the JEL by 
Peter Newman and in the EJ by Mark Blaug. 
A team of British and American Georgists, including Gaffney, Fred 
Harrison, Ted Gwartney and Nic Tideman have been working on the 
Russians for the last 5 years to get them to privatise everything 
EXCEPT land, and base taxation on the rental value of land a la 
Ricardian (classical, non-neo-classical) theory of rent and 
Roger Sandilands 
University of Strathclyde 
Glasgow, UK 
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