=================== HES POSTING ======================= 
In a message dated 97-11-13 12:43:43 EST, Tony writes: 
<<  The mainstream doesn't  
 normally abuse others. It ignores them, which is far more deadly. >> 
In fact, rather than simply ignore rival explanatory strategies, what 
folks do is what analytic philosophers have done to the later work of 
Wittgenstein -- they falsely attribute an unpromising set of commitments 
[usually out of gross ignorance] to rival understandings in order to 
denigrate otherwise potent alternatives to their own troubled 
intellectual project.  Again, focusing only on one area familiar to me, I 
can site the work of a dozen 'top' mainstreamers grappling with the work 
of Friedrich Hayek -- beginning with Kenneth Arrow and including such 'big 
names' as Stiglitz, Samuelson, Hurwicz, and others.  [I discuss some of 
this with full citations in my 1996 HES "Hayek's Myth's" paper].   
Greg Ransom 
Dept. of Philosophy 
Dept. of Social Science 
Mira Costa College 
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