====================== HES POSTING ================== 
In response to Brad De Long's request for more info: 
 There are a number of books on the repression of left leaning 
academics in the McCarthy Era.  I think Paul Sweezy was one economist.  
But I leave you to consult the large literature under the topic "McCarthy 
Era" in your library.  
        My other example is drawn from the history of the Department of 
Economics at the University of Saskatchewan in the 1930s.  One W.W.  
Swanson, a graduate of Chicago and Head of the Department, harassed and 
repressed Keynesians.  The history of the Department having been only 
somewhat written, and as yet unpublished, I can give you no reference.  I 
suspect that this Saskatchewan experience was not unique, but you may 
correct me in this. 
Robin Neill  
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