hi everyone! I only know of two bibliographies (other than the _MT Encyclopedia_ and _MT A to Z_ of course). Tenney, Thomas Asa. _Mark Twain: A Reference Guide_ (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1977). Long, E. Hudson and J.R. LeMaster. _The New Mark Twain Handbook_ (New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1985). The Tenney book was updated in one of the journals (_Mark Twain Journal_ currently I believe) since its publication, and is no longer in print. The Long and LeMaster book is a newer edition of _The Mark Twain Handbook_ and I'm not sure if it is actually the predecessor to the _MT Encyclopedia_. If there are others out there, please let me know! Kathy Farretta Northern Arizona University Dept. of History MA student