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[Sent to John Lodewijks in response to his editorial. -- RBE] 
From: Marco Guidi  <[log in to unmask]> Wed, 03 Dec 1997 09:49:55 +010 
To: [log in to unmask] 
Subject: Journals and Societies in Italy 
Dear colleague, 
A friend of mine showed me the paper you sent to the HES MAILING LIST on 
"Societies, Journals and Research in the History of Economics". Not being 
part of the HES MAILING LIST at the moment, I write to you just to give 
supplements of information concerning HET activities in Italy. Please, 
transmit this information to those who might be interested in them. 
In addition to "History of Economic Ideas" (HEI, 1993 -) and to "Storia del 
Pensiero Economico", there is also a journal in Italian (including articles 
in French and English) specialised in the History of the Italian Economic 
Thought: "Il pensiero economico italiano" (PEI, 1993 -). The journal is 
edited by Massimo Augello. The managing board includes Faucci, Cavalieri, 
Marco Bianchini and Eugenio Zagari. Another journal in Italian is "Il 
pensiero economico moderno", edited by Romano Molesti in Verona. 
There is also an association for the study of HET (Associazione italiana 
la Storia del Pensiero Economico), currently chaired by Riccardo Faucci. 
association held its 4th annual conference last week in Naples. Another - 
more informal - society is the "permanent seminar" on the History of the 
Italian Economic Thought of the University of Parma (M. Bianchini). This 
seminar assembles 40 scholars ca. from Milan to Sicily and organises 
research project on the institutional evolution of the Italian HET. The 
results of a research project on the Italian economic reviews have been 
published in a volume (Le riviste di economia in Italia 1700-1900, Angeli, 
Milan 1996), and in an issue of HEI (1, 1996, in English) and of PEI (2, 
1996). The Seminar is now working on a research project on the societies of 
political economy in Italy (1750-1920). Two groups in the Seminar are 
working on a project on "Socialism and Marginalism in Italy, 1790s-1920s", 
and on the issue of "prestige" in HET. 
Yours Sincerely 
Marco Guidi 
Universita' di Brescia 
Dipartimento di Studi Sociali 
Via S. Faustino 74/B 
+39 30 2988.878 
Fax +39 30 2988.893 
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