===================== HES POSTING ===================== 
> This news from the courtroom concerns the particular case of Harry Dexter 
> White and a general issue between historians and the law.  
> Recall, from our "Censorship" thread: 
> 4 Nov 1997, Robert Leeson cited William Manchester: 
> > 
> > 1. The Executive Director of the IMF (Harry Dexter White) and       
> > Roosevelt's special assistant (Lauchlin Currie) were accused of 
> > treachery.                                                              
This note will inform interested HES-ers that the Lauchlin Currie  
Papers are currently in transit from Colombia to their new "home' in  
the Special Collections Library at Duke University, as part of the  
Economists' Papers Project at Duke.  
E. Roy Weintraub, Professor of Economics 
Director, Center for Social and Historical Studies of Science 
Duke University 
E-mail: [log in to unmask] 
URL: http://www.econ.duke.edu/~erw/erw.homepage.html 
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