====================== HES POSTING ===================== 
__The American Journal of Economics and Sociology__ recently distributed 
#56.4 (October 1997), 
        Special Issue: 
        Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Death of Henry George 
This number is 300 pages, of which about 2/3 treats the man or the 
movement historically and 1/3 is "Towards a Revival of Economics in the 
Tradition of Henry George".  There is a glossy frontispiece photo of 
George seated at a desk, reading, in 1897. 
Laurence S. Moss (Babson College) is AJES Editor, new this year.  The 
Special Issue is "first annual", expected each October.  The next will be 
October 1998 on "Money, Trust, Speculation, and Social Justice". 
Some complimentary copies are available.  Contact the Editor directly:  
Laurence S. Moss <[log in to unmask]>. 
Paul Wendt, Watertown MA 
asst.editor, HES e-information services (history of economics) 
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