Braz King wrote-
Is there any value to cost-benefit analyses in health promotion?  I
would argue that there is.  Effective health promotion conducted on a
wide scale will lead to improved health status AND reduced health care
costs. Measuring the impact of health promotion programs on the health
care system's bottom line will enable us to use economic arguments in
favour of health promotion.

Good question-I think population determinants and data are crucial as a
measure of health promotion utilization. While cost-benefit is
effective, it has been used exhaustly as an economic tool, whereas HP is
a social and political principle in the health environment.

I agree though, Braz, some measure regarding the economic arguments are
crucial, but a balance will ensure HP is not simply adminsitered by
money, economics and the bottom-line. This emphasis has created the need
for reform and cuts. Hopefully, a vision of HP will ease the burden.

David Gourlay

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