====================== HES POSTING =================== 
One of the editors of the American National Biography recently told me 
that there was an acknowledgement of Earl J. Hamilton in Keynes' _General 
Theory._ I cannot find any mention of Hamilton, although Keynes' 
discussion of the economic history of Spain appears to be based on 
Hamilton's 1934 book _American Treasure and the Price Revolution in 
Spain, 1501-1650_. 
I'm wondering if anyone more familiar with Keynes' work has come across 
aknowledgement of Hamilton in Keynes' book or any other references to 
Hamilton in the Keynes' corpus. 
References should be sent to me personally, and I'll post a followup  
message with "the answer" to my query. 
Thanks for your help! 
Ross B. Emmett 
Manager, Electronic Information, History of Economics Society  
Augustana University College 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 
URL: http://www.augustana.ab.ca/~emmer 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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