===================== HES POSTING ===================== 
The INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR U.S. STUDIES, a Rockefeller Foundation 
Humanities Residency Site from 1997 to 1999, is now accepting applications 
from scholars.  Five fellows will be selected to participate in our third 
year of the program, the spring of 1999.  The fellowships are open 
specifically to non-U.S. scholars.  If you are eligible (see details of 
eligibility below), please consider applying this year.  If you are a U.S. 
scholar or a foreign scholar already living and working in the U.S., 
please help us locate outstanding candidates for this new program by 
forwarding this message to colleagues overseas. 
Thank you. 
Laura Dowd 
Program Assistant 
The International Forum for U.S. Studies (IFUSS) is a Rockefeller 
Humanities Residency Site for Fellowships during 1997-1999.  The program 
seeks to promote humanities scholarship by non-U.S. scholars working on 
social and cultural issues shaping or affecting the United States.  As 
conceptualized by faculty members from the University of Iowa Center for 
International and Comparative Studies and the American Studies Program, 
the Forum acknowledges the lively growth of intellectual communities 
around the world that study the U.S. The goal of the Forum is to promote 
greater contact with those scholars, and knowledge of that work, within 
the U.S.  intellectual community.  In so doing, the Forum takes 
contemporary U.S.  discussions of cultural diversity, a new world order, 
and multiculturalism one step further by promoting scholarship on the U.S. 
done by scholars working out of different national histories, intellectual 
institutions, and often scholarly traditions.  The fellowships are 
specifically for non-U.S.  scholars, based outside the U.S.  Applicants 
must hold a Ph.D. or comparable terminal degree in their field at the time 
of application. 
The Program 
As its overarching theme, the Forum will focus on selective claims to 
difference(s) and sameness(es) and the values, effects, and material 
consequences attached to each.  Specific themes for the three-year period 
will include (1) the public production of "American" culture (through 
institutions, practices, cultural policies, and events), (2) American 
"sameness-es" (both shared aspects and presumptions of sameness that are 
made, claimed, denied, or unnamed), and (3) critical discourses on 
American "exceptionalisms" as seen both from within and without. 
Five non-U.S. scholars outside the U.S. will be selected each year for 
concurrent 3 month residencies each spring semester (February 1 through 
April 30).  All fellows are expected to be in residence for the duration 
of their award.  Projects may extend a scholar's current work by adding a 
comparative dimension that focuses on the U.S., or they may support the 
completion of a substantial piece of research or writing on the U.S. 
Fellows will participate in a faculty seminar every other week at which 
they and their U.S.-based colleagues will present and discuss works in 
progress.  In addition, fellows will participate in public forums designed 
to bring Americanists and international studies scholars together. 
Fellows also have the option of teaching a course during summer session. 
In 1999, the third year of the program, all members of the International 
Advisory Committee, all University of Iowa participants in the three 
faculty seminars and all fifteen past and present fellows will be brought 
together for a working conference, with attendance open to observers, on 
internationalizing study of the U.S. 
Applications will be accepted from non-U.S. scholars living outside of the 
U.S.  Preference will be given to those scholars who do not hold an 
advanced degree from a U.S. institution.  While applications from 
Americanists are welcomed, individuals whose work in the humanities has 
not previously focused on the U.S. are also encouraged to apply.  In 
attempting to generate new paradigms for research, we recognize that the 
development of a different kind of international scholarship on the U.S., 
one which truly de-centers U.S. scholarship while challenging it with new 
formulations, new questions, and new critiques, may come from outside of 
the framework already employed by many Americanists. 
The Fellows are expected to hold a Ph.D. degree or other terminal degree 
in a field relevant to the Forum.  We encourage applications from 
outstanding scholars at all career stages. 
Specifics of the Awards 
Fellows will receive a $10,000 stipend for the three month period they are 
in residence at the Forum.  Round trip airfare to Iowa City and health 
coverage will also be provided by the Rockefeller Foundation.  The 
University of Iowa will provide complimentary on-campus housing for the 
fellows.  Fellows are expected to remain in residence for the duration of 
their awards and to take part in the life of the Forum - that is, to 
participate in a faculty seminar every other week at which they and their 
U.S.-based colleagues will present and discuss works in progress and to 
participate in public forums designed to bring Americanists and 
international studies scholars together.  Awards will be announced no 
later than May 15. 
Fellows will have offices at the University of Iowa's International 
Center.  They will have access to secretarial assistance and computer 
networking capabilities.  Each visiting fellow will be assigned two 
contact "hosts"  who will help him or her meet scholars with related 
research interests and other scholars or professionals from his/her home 
country or region who are in residence here.  The fellows will also be 
invited to participate as they wish in ongoing departmental colloquia in 
American Studies, in programs sponsored by International Programs, and 
through other departments such as English, Comparative Literature, Art, 
Rhetoric, History and Anthropology, that match their interests.  Further, 
they will have easy and direct access to the collections and facilities of 
the University of Iowa Library system.  Thus, the fellows will enjoy 
facilities and resources supporting their individual work and ample 
occasions for engagement in scholarly dialogue. 
For Spring 1999, the deadline is February 15, 1998. 
The Co-Directors of the Forum are Virginia Dominguez and Jane Desmond. 
The International Advisory Board members are Robert C. Allen, J. Dudley 
Andrew, Ien Ang, Arjun Appadurai, Cathy Davidson, Emory Elliot, Catherine 
Hall, Richard P. Horwitz, Linda Kerber, Janice A Radway, Alcida Rita 
Ramos, Marianna Torgovnick, Geoffrey White. 
If you have further questions or would like to request an application, 
please write to: International Forum for U.S. Studies, 226 International 
Center, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1802, USA or contact 
the Forum by phone:  (319) 335-2476, fax: (319) 335-0280, or e-mail: 
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