====================== HES POSTING =================== 
11th Heilbronn Symposion in Economics and the Social Sciences 
The Economic Consequences of the Peace: 1648 Reconsidered 
June 26-28 1998  
In many ways, the thirty year's war (1618-1648) and its conclusion through  
the peace of Westphalia has shaped Central European identity. Population  
in the German countries had sunk from 17 to 8 million people. It can be  
argued that German thinkers emphasized the strong protective state for  
good reasons ever since. 
The peace documented itself is worthy of study, as it laid the foundation 
for the variously productive and unproductive fragmentation of Central 
Europe, and notably Germany. The peace document itself is no small example 
of intellectual minds at work, but the emphasis of the 11th Heilbronn 
symposion in Economics and the Social Sciences is an investigation in the 
consequences of the peace established in 1648 for the history of economic 
In keeping with the three fold mission of the Heilbronn symposia, we want 
to first detail the impact of the peace of Westphalia on the focus of 
political and economic thinking. The work thus documented is to be 
critically reconstructed in the light of contemporary theory. Thirdly, the 
question needs to be addressed as to how relevant the specific focus of 
this intellectual tradition is in the face of contemporary problems. 
The conference will be held in Heilbronn from June 26-28 1998.  
The conference site is the traditional Schiesshaus at less than five 
minutes' distance from the railroad station. On Thursday June 25, at four 
o'clock, conference participants will gather at the big clock in front of 
the railroad station, for a guided tour. Afterwards dinner in Hotel Gotz. 
There will be no registration fee, so no subsidies can be requested. 
Active participants will be our guest during the conference, depending on 
the state of the budget. 
Please send your abstract and correspondence to 
Prof. Dr. Jurgen G. Backhaus 
Maastricht University, AE 
P.O. Box 616 
6200 MD Maastricht 
The Netherlands 
tel: +31-43-3883652/3636 
fax: +31-43-3258440 
email: [log in to unmask]  
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